The Sitch

My Sitch

I’m finally doing this.  My husband Brady has been encouraging me for years to write a food blog because he loves my cooking so much and thinks others need to try it.  I have probably come up with every excuse in the book, anywhere from “I’m too tired, no one is going to read it anyway, I don’t know what I’m doing, etc etc etc.”  I recently became unemployed, and with the help of Brady I feel like maybe this difficulty I am going through is just an opportunity in disguise.  After speaking with so many of my friends about time management with juggling careers, kids, housework, extra curricular activities (continue the long list known as life)… I just want people to discover what I discovered, how easy it is to cook fresh food on a budget, and not spend 3 hours in the kitchen cooking. When Brady and I first moved in together 13 years ago, I was making boxed dinners and eating frozen meals and canned soup for lunch.  Now we rarely shop down the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, and we try to make our lunch every day or heat up leftovers.

After wanting to change our lifestyle, I found some bloggers that cook with whole foods or are vegetarian/vegan.  After my research, my misunderstanding of vegetarians vanished quickly, there’s more to the lifestyle than salad and pasta!  Brady and I are essentially flexaterians, we usually eat vegetarian but eat meat and fish occasionally.  You can always incorporate meat in any of the recipes on here, and one of the points I will talk about in this blog is that it’s alright to change recipes how you see fit, that’s how I learned what flavors meld together.  It’s alright if you want to start slow and before you know it, you will start to crave some of the dishes you’ve been experimenting with and forget about some of your old habits. 

I would like to point out that I am by no means an expert, I’m not a nutritionist, and I don’t deprive myself of food… I still love eating treats.  I’m here to make suggestions on how to cook better without restrictions of a diet, and what shortcuts can be taken to help your food prep go smoothly.  I have read so many articles about how eating whole foods and cutting out sugar is the best course of action to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  I don’t believe in deprivation, I believe everything in moderation is the way to go.  It’s also important to education yourself, and with the internet at the tip of our fingertips, it’s easier than ever to look up a question you may have.  The bottom line is, Brady and I like delicious food and enjoying the flavors and experimenting with recipes.  

Our Sitch

Greetings!  I’m Kathryn and Brady is my husband and we have been evolving our eating habits for almost 14 years.  We have a cat named Bonecrusher (who you can follow on Instagram @bonecrusherworksfromhome) and we all love being around each other and encouraging each other daily.  During our free time we like to hike, camp, travel, and play video games together.  When I cook the time it takes to prep seems to disappear when the final product is complete.  I love that Brady is always wondering what is for dinner because he can’t wait to enjoy it. 😛