I’m finally doing this. My husband Brady has been encouraging me for years to write a food blog because he loves my cooking so much and thinks others need to try it. I have probably come up with every excuse in the book, anywhere from “I’m too tired, no one is going to read it anyway, I don’t know what I’m doing, etc etc etc.” I recently became unemployed, and with the help of Brady I feel like maybe this difficulty I am going through is just an opportunity in disguise. After speaking with so many of my friends about time management with juggling careers, kids, housework, extra curricular activities (continue the long list known as life)… I just want people to discover what I discovered, how easy it is to cook fresh food on a budget, and not spend 3 hours in the kitchen cooking. When Brady and I first moved in together 13 years ago, I was making boxed dinners and eating frozen meals and canned soup for lunch. Now we rarely shop down the frozen food aisle at the grocery store, and we try to make our lunch every day or heat up leftovers.